
“We are always getting ready to live, but never living”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Socratic Center conducts and facilitates work shops and lectures on topics related to its work and mission. These services provide opportunity for participants to engage in personal empowering and life changing exercises with others.

Past year's events

Healing States of ConsciousnessHow the soul heals the mind, body and relationships.
Introductory lecture/Weekend workshop
This workshop will be presented by Ashok Bedi, M.D., Jungian Analyst and Psychiatrist. Dr. Bedi will explore the mind body connection with the lens of analytical psychology and present the recent Neuropsychiatric research in the healing states of consciousness. Six hours of Continuing Education Credits (CE credits) available. (read more...)

The Suriname Cultural ExpeditionA Jungian Encounter with the Soul of Suriname
This expedition to the Republic of Suriname, South America a land of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity and integration will explore the process of integration from a Jungian analytic perspective and study how tis is a model for individuation of nations individuals. Our study will tour will explore native healing traditions and practices with the discerning lens of Jung's analytical psychology. (read more...)